Lance Tobacco
Former DOI Law Enforcement Officer
Arrow to the Heart gives a raw, behind-the-scenes account of federal overreach into the lives of private individuals and corporations alike.
This has now become commonplace in our nation. It is important that citizens like Chris Kortlander stand up for what is right and to stop
federal tyranny.
Charles “Timer” Moses
Criminal Defense Attorney
This story can be described as a defense lawyer’s dream. Christopher Kortlander suffered the slings and arrows of the federal government with
courage and integrity. He is truly a dedicated American citizen.
Penelope Strong
Criminal Defense Attorney
The Bureau of Land Management raided Mr. Kortlander like he was
Scarface. Using force to go after drug dealers or violent criminals is
understandable, but somebody in a hot, sultry part of Montana, in a
trading post where people are wandering around buying blankets? Come
William Perry Pendley
President of Mountain States Legal Foundation
In 2009, at the end of its criminal investigation, the United States had a duty to return the items or institute forfeiture proceedings if it believed
the items were contraband It has done neither; therefore, as a matter of law, the property must be returned.